Jennifer Kwon
Artist Statement
My view of nature is an innocent and a friendly world where people and animals interact in a sociable atmosphere. This visualization of nature is a stimulation to my artwork. I paint to capture the nature as I imagine them, and as I create a childlike imaginary place for me to rest my mind and soul.
Like the old Masters of Art, I want to stay as pure as I can in the medium I use. So, I try to paint mainly using a few minimum color sets. I create different color variation while I paint using a simple technique; applying them layer over layer, blending them on a pallet or canvas directly, and by using deliberate brush strokes to show shades, texture, and depth.
I enjoy painting wildlife pieces while I create a story with imagination, as if I would be planning a story time with a gathering of children. While I express the peace, harmony, and the humor through my paintings, I want to offer a warm and joyful air to the viewers.