Harmony of Color

“Harmony of Color is a small group of Christian artists who meet regularly at our atelier to paint and break bread together. We each  develop our own artistic body of work while we paint and learn together in harmony.”


Harmony of Color is a nonprofit organization formed in June 2009 by a group of Christian women who came together every Saturday morning with a yearning to paint. Otherwise restrained by daily labor and busy schedules, we decided to set aside time for creativity. We started sketching, drawing and painting, exploring a variety of mediums such as pencil, charcoal, water color, and oil paints as we put our artistic aspirations onto blank paper and canvas. The encouragement and advice of our members on those weekly Saturday morning meetings helped us become more audacious painters. Sharing our paintings and working together benefited us more than we had originally anticipated or imagined. Not only did our time together improve our painting skills, but we also gained confidence in our aesthetic senses and capabilities.

It is with these propitious results in mind that we’ve decided to share our work with the rest of the world in the hopes of inspiring others to also find time in their busy schedules to reveal their hidden talents and appreciate the peace and beauty of the world that God created, and discovering the harmony of color through our artwork.